
I'm a cat lady; no shame! But I also love my pit bull just as much as my cats. Let's just say I'm an all around animal lover! We recently added two baby kitties to our family, Luna & Mona.

I'm obsessed with flowers of all kinds (specifically sunflowers, peonies & hydrangeas), and Starbucks iced green tea and/or iced coffee is the way to my heart (unsweetened, of course).
I'm a little bit of a health nut, but don't be fooled...I love french fries and pizza (duh!) just as much as I love my green smoothies.

I love music. Fun fact: I actually play the guitar (it's been a little while, so I'm probably rusty!) and love to sing.
Country music is my go-to, but I listen to just about everything.
I'm a professional concert goer. I probably go to more concerts in a year than some will go to in their whole lifetime and I'm proud of it!

Since I love music so much, it's probably no surprise that my husband, Michael, and I love Nashville, TN and would love to live there one day or at least have a place there. There is something so magical about Music City that makes my heart full.


I am a sucker for a good love story, and being able to photograph people's real life fairytales and special moments is what makes my heart happy.

I believe in being kind to people and building friendships with my clients.

I also believe that classic and timeless always trumps trendy. My goal is to have your images show that for generations to come.